Monday, January 21, 2019

Buy or Borrow: Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

Given some of the games I've been playing lately, I decided it was time for something a little more lighthearted and I decided that Harvest Moon:  Light of Hope fit the bill.  It is a very relaxing game that is a mashup of Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing.  There is a bit of a plot, but you can take your time with it which is great!

The premise is that you've washed up on an island and have to repair the lighthouse to bring balance to the island and bring back the harvest goddess.  You start off growing some crops and as you upgrade your tools (hoe, axe, watering can, fishing rod and hammer) you use less energy to take on more difficult materials.  You also rebuild houses to encourage people to move back to the island.  One hour in game is equal to one minute in real life and at the beginning when you tire easily because there is so much to do, you will likely be playing for about 8 minutes before sleeping and starting the next day.

I'm really enjoying the pace of this game!  It is so relaxed, a lot of fun and shouldn't take long to finish.  I would definitely borrow this as opposed to buy because it is still relatively new and expensive (at least for the PS4 and Switch)!

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